Rate me!

I need to talk to you about something very important to independent authors:

Independent authors need ratings.

Independent authors don't have large advertising budgets; as a consequence, feedback and ratings are vital for building an audience and demonstrating that their work is valued.

I know, I know: it's a hassle.  Amazon won't let you leave just a rating - you have to leave at least a sentence feedback - and writing something vague and nondescript like, "I really enjoyed reading this novel!" is unsatisfying, whilst writing a more meaningful review that exactly captures your feelings about the book is hard work.  I hear you.  I'm working on being better at it myself.

But, to independent authors, a positive single sentence review with a rating is no small thing at all.  Get enough of those and you can get listed on websites which will only list your book if it has above a certain number of reviews: it all helps, you see.

In January 2013, I added up my sums and determined that over 1,600 people had downloaded 'AFK', my free Kindle novel, from amazon.com.  Only four of these people had left a rating.  That's a quarter of 1%, and for a book they got for nothing.
If you have read and enjoyed one of my novels, please consider leaving a review and rating at the place you obtained it from - be that Amazon, Smashwords, Lulu, Barnes & Noble, Apple or right here on this website in the comments section for the book you read.  If you want to go that one step further, a Facebook/Google+/Twitter share would be wonderful.  If you blog and would like to review one of my books there, that would be fantastic.

But a single sentence review at Amazon is also great.  Really.  It helps me tremendously and I cannot tell you just how much I love seeing just that an extra person has read one of my books and enjoyed it.

You'll put a smile on my face, I promise you.

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